AP_ContactMethodEnt Data Dictionary

Description of each column in the AP_ContactMethodEnt table

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
ContactMethodEntID Contact Method Entry Identifier A unique identifier for each entry of contact method in the table.
AppearOrder Appearance Order The order in which the contact method entry appears in the list or form, usually sorted numerically or alphabetically.
ContactMethodID Contact Method Identifier Refers to the specific identifier that is assigned to a particular type of contact method such as an email address or phone number.
RecptID Recipient Identifier Uniquely identifies the recipient of communication or information, which could be a patient, healthcare provider, or staff member.
RecptTypeID Recipient Type Identifier Classifies the type of recipient (e.g., individual, organization, healthcare professional) to facilitate appropriate routing of information.
ZUChkSum ZU Checksum A checksum value used to verify the integrity of the data for audit trail purposes, confirming that the entry has not been tampered with.
ZUDate ZU Date The timestamp indicating when the entry was created or modified, for audit tracking and ensuring data consistency over time.
ZULogonHisID ZULogon History Identifier Identifies the specific login session or user activity history related to the entry for audit and security monitoring.
ContactMethodName Contact Method Name The name or label associated with a specific contact method, such as 'Mobile' or 'Office Phone'.